Te Arai 2019

Friday, August 23, 2019

Cyber Smart: Digital Houses

Koka Amie has come to visit Te Arai again to help us with learning how to use our Chrome Books more effectively.  We had a quick reflection on caring for our chrome books and then also revisited how to find documents that we had created.

Sometimes we are having so much fun on our Chrome Books that we create lots of files that are named the same.  So in Te Arai today we learnt how to organise our files and move them to the correct folder.

Then we looked at the Te Arai Checkpoints sheet to see all the tasks that we have been given.  In this list our names are listed and in each task sheet there is a link to the work in our folders.

We have used a colour code to show how we are going:

RED stands for Not started yet
PINK stands for some more Thinking needs to take place as it is not completed
GREEN stands for 'Go' to the next task, you have finished!

Congratulations to all of those who have completed tasks!

Koka Amie then gave us our next Ninja challenges, that was using 'Google Drawings' to design our house.

Here are some completed drawings:
This was completed by Raniera Apisai.  He whare ataahua tenei!

This is Sarhys Donners whare.  It looks like the weather we have been experiencing of late.  He rangi awha tenei.

Thank you again and kia pai to mutunga wiki!

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