Te Arai 2019

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Our Science Fair Projects

Science Fair 2019

Each afternoon it was a mad rush to get out the paints, glues, paper, and tape.  Te Arai was on a mission:

To research an animal and it's habitat

A big thank you to Murray Palmer and daughters for taking us to Waihirere Domain to investigate the water clarity.  I will post up photo's later.

Then to finish the day we had a beautiful lunch with Nanny Nuku at Parihimanihi marae.

Ka mau te wehi, te mutunga mai o te ngahau!

Last week on Wednesday Te Arai proudly put their completed Diorama's in the school hall to be judged for our School Science Fair.
Each Diorama included their report.  We are currently recording a digital picture with our recorded reading of their reports in our blogs. 
We are extremely proud of our efforts and look forward to sharing our mahi with you.

Class first place over all goes to Joseph Madsen-Jamieson, runner up goes to Jasmine Boyd-Samuels.

Congratulions to all. 

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